Tag Archives: Easter

Easter, Infinity, Turbans, and Treasure


Well, Easter has come and gone. We are still waiting for the lush lime greens of spring here, but most of the snow has melted!

Brie's Good Friday Feast

Brie’s Good Friday Feast

DH and I had a different Easter weekend this year. Instead of cooking the traditional turkey dinner, hiding sweet treats, and feeding the boys (and girlfriends if applicable), we drove down to have a short visit with K and Brie. Good Friday saw us being hosted by our 24 year old and his girl. We visited, she cooked, had some drinks, the men tried their damndest to see some playoff hockey games, and later we all watched some BBC Sherlock & Holmes episodes. It was a tasty meal and the first she’s cooked for us; it sounds like she doesn’t cook much so this was special.  She made a deliciously gooey potato-cheese dish, lemon chicken breasts and mixed veggies; we finished it off with Easter treats. The next morning he made pancakes and bacon to ‘hold us’ till we got home.  All in all, I’d say it was a successful 24 hours.infinity scarf short

While we were driving down and back (2 hours on the highway each direction), I worked on the infinity scarf I was showing you in the last post. I finished it and am happy with how it turned out except that it turned out a bit too short.  Sheesh! So, as I said, I’m getting smart and writing details down; therefore, I wrote down the particulars (including the number of rows) and figured out what I will tweak for the next one.

As I told you, we are working on a sword dance for the June show right now and that requires some wrap around my head. Last night I tried another 2 scarf turban with a twist. I made a couple of improvements on the last one but was not entirely pleased. I need to figure out a way to get my ‘fake bun’ affixed up higher on my head. Then I will be able to do twists and wraps around that. I did -as you see- get the twist to sit further back so the sword would sit in front of it, but well, more experimentation is in my future.   🙂


I was just rummaging around in my studio to get prepared for a 2 day scrapbooking event. I haven’t done much with my photo albums in the past 4 1/2 years so I wanted to make sure I was organized.

While poking around I made a find! Apparently one should explore piles that have been undisturbed for more than a year more often! Here’s what I found, and I found not one, but TWO of them. folder found in studioThe photo doesn’t do it justice. I believe they are from the high school graduation photo packages I purchased for my sons. they are lovely and rich looking, complete with heavy boxes. I probably had the same thought when I stashed them as I had today when I discovered them- these would be great for a small series of art works on paper! So, I am not going to re-stash them. I am going to keep them out on the studio table to inspire me to fill them.

Well, the time has come- the soup (Split Pea & Ham) has been simmering for long enough and Tucker needs to be brushed. And then there’s play rehearsal later on. Must run.

Take care out there!
